Tutorial - Download sponsored links for free

How to download the links:

deactivate any (AdBlock):
deactivate it from the browser or network for full access, advertisements on SP website are the cleanest and most friendly user possible, all the files are scanned with multiple antivirus programs, and our website is running on secure connection.

* ad-free links and unlimited MEGA bandwidth are available for SP Patreon sponsors.

to download the links without subscription follow the 3 steps in the image below:


* it is better to finish downloading each part separately to be sure the download is completed and not interrupted.

* it is recommended to use desktop not mobile for easier download

* the links are always available, we try to keep all our content online for as long as possible

* parts in mirror links contain identical files. (interchangeable)

* use a recent version of WinRAR to extract multi-part archives. (freeware)