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PES2017 SmokePatch (v.9.5 + update)

pes smokepatch 95

SmokePatch17 9.5 (for PES17 PC)
version 9.5.0 (all in one) (30.Sept.2017)
update 9.5.2 (16.Nov.2017)

Tutorial - how to merge CPK files

Merging multiple cpk files into one:

in this tutorial we are going to merge multiple cpk files into one file in case you want to arrange your customized files or you need to free up extra slots, in this example, we are going to merge the four face cpk files into one cpk that contains all four faces.

Tutorial - how to use smoke extra cpk

Adding mods/content from other sources

the patch includes 16 extra cpk empty files for the users to add a 3rd party add-ons, the procedure is easy and straight forward, (rename, copy and replace), do not generate the dpfilelist or you will change the patch and get errors that might not be reversed.

in this tutorial, we will show how to add (Preds English Call-names) to smokepatch, it is tested and fully compatible with smokepatch20 (pes20), this call names pack is fully credited to (predator002)

add any mods made by others the same way for all games, be sure that the things you add are compatible, don't add something made for a specific game with an older or other game.


1. Locate the extra cpk:

All the extra cpk files are located inside the download folder of the game, same as all the patch cpk files, decide which cpk you want to use, in this example we are going to use extra1 (SMK_Extra1.cpk), you can use any of the extra files.


2. Download the file to add:

in this example we are going to add (PredEnglishCallnames.cpk) to the patch, this is only an example and it could be any other cpk file, extract the file if it's in a RAR or zip archives because it needs to be CPK format so the game would read it.


3. Rename the file:

rename the new file to the same name as the extra cpk file we are going to use, in this case, Extra1 like this:
rename: (PredEnglishCallnames.cpk) to: (SMK_Extra1.cpk)


4. Copy and replace:

after renaming, just move or copy the new file in the download folder of the game to replace the extra cpk.


5. Run the game

After replacing the cpk run the game and you will see the add-on is working.


- If you run out of extra cpk files, you should merge multiple cpk files into one, see a tutorial on how to merge cpk files using (CRI-packed file maker).
- Be sure the 3rd party add-on you want to add is compatible with the patch (check with the files makers)

Tutorial - Install smoke patch

Step by step installation tutorial:

this is the official patch installation tutorial, aided with visual pictures to make it clear for a correct installation without any problems

* game versions might look different but the main method for install is the same.


1. Install the game and make sure it is working

Step one is to successfully install the game itself without any patch installed, be sure it is working then exit the game.

default game


2. Download smokepatch

Download all patch archive parts from the patch website links, other links not from the website are not supported, all parts should be in the same directory and have the same name structure as shown in the picture: 

sp rar parts
* see how to download the patch links here


3. Extract the RAR archive:

using a recent version of WinRAR free software, extract only part one as shown in the picture, all parts will be extracted automatically, be sure you get no error messages when extracting, if you get an error with one of the parts then delete the corrupted part then re-download it, delete first so the new download won't be renamed.

extract sp parts


4. Install the patch:

after all the parts are extracted successfully, run as an administrator, be sure nothing interrupts the install process, do not move or rename any of the installer files or folder, then press next, select the game directory in the directory window, the patch must be installed in the same folder where the game is installed, press next until the patch is successfully installed.

* Manually copy and replace the (edit00000000) in the (save) folder of the game (for pes21, pes20, pes19)
* This file is installed automatically in the correct place for pes17 and pes18

run setup as admin

follow installer


5. Run the game

If everything is correct, run the game and the patch should be correctly installed and working.

SP installed
